An AI-Driven Platform for Knowledge Centralization, Discovery, Analysis, and Insights

Nuron's platform combines many purpose-built modules that can be easily customized for different use cases,organizations, and industries. Nuron enables personalization, search automation, machine-reading and automation of information extraction of from web pages, documents, data and other contents.

Automate decision-making across divisions with speed, efficiency, and accuracy
95% Reduction in Tech Transfer Gaps
90% Reduction in Failure risks
2X Better Product Quality

Automate Tasks of Engineers and Scientists

Seamlessly integrated Nuron modules connect to various data and knowledge sources and automate tasks.

1 Data Sources LIMS, MES, Data Lake, etc...
2 Web, papers, patents, news commercial data sources
3 Internal Data & Knowledge
4 External Data & Knowledge
5 Data Organization
6 Search Everything
7 Info Extraction
8 Machine Learning
9 Data & Image Analysis
10 Cognitive Gen AI
11 Task Automation Bots
12 Decision-Making

Some Tools Present on our Platform

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